Why is a new school being established in the centre of Bratislava?
The soul of the school is our team
Mgr. Adriana Šišková, school director, mentor
A teacher with over 40 years of experience and qualifications for 1st to 4th grade, pre-primary education, and ethical education. She has worked as a deputy and director in both state and church schools. Now, she is putting her expertise to good use and devoting her heart to leading the new private elementary school.
Love for the child and their happiness at school are the first prerequisites for success. The feeling of unconditional acceptance within the collective and from the teachers enhances the child's eagerness to move forward. These principles are translated into innovative teaching methods that aim for one ultimate goal, and that is the well-being of the child.
She has been involved in numerous successful projects that have received awards as examples of good practice. She has also been engaged in textbook reviews and television production for schools. During the pandemic, she coordinated schools as part of the Distance Learning Team.
In our new school, she will also teach your children. Her kind approach as well as her modern, fun, and above all, effective lessons will enrich your children's knowledge to the point where they will look forward to going to school every morning.
Jakub Strakoš, pedagóg, pedagogický asistent, tréner
Volám sa Jakub Strakoš a s veľkým nadšením pracujem s deťmi, ktoré formujem nielen po športovej, ale aj po ľudskej stránke. Mám bohaté skúsenosti ako asistent učiteľa a vychovávateľ v ŠKD. Som držiteľom futbalovej licencie UEFA Grassroots C a absolvoval som kurz Coerver Coaching. Tiež mám atletickú licenciu, ktorú som získal na KTVŠ na Univerzite Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici.
Odborné stáže a prax:
- Aktuálne: SDM DOMINO
- Tréner letných futbalových kempov
Moja vášeň pre šport a práca s mládežou ma motivujú neustále sa zlepšovať a prinášať pozitívny vplyv do života detí, s ktorými pracujem.
Ak sa túžite stať súčasťou nášho tímu, kontaktujte nás!
JUDr. Jana Michaličková, PhD., the founder of the school and kindergarten "Škola a Škôlka sv. Michala."
The school founder is a mother of three children who deeply values the education of her own kids. Education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about fostering a sense of acceptance, imparting values, and creating a friendly environment. As a lawyer and the founder of another successful private elementary art school in Trenčín, she decided to expand her portfolio by establishing the Škôlka sv. Michala together with Tomáš Kováčik in 2021. After the successful operation in the first and second academic years, opportunities arose to expand the school family with additional branches of the kindergarten, but most importantly, with an innovative elementary school at Hummelova 4.
Teaching children in smaller educational groups is the future of education. Today, we must prepare children for life by emphasizing skills and teaching them critical thinking, evaluation, analysis, and the ability to navigate through vast amounts of information. Above all, we aim to instil in our children the values of humanity, mutual assistance, and a sense of responsibility. They should learn to use their talents for the benefit of all humanity. In the school environment of a family-like setting with an individual approach, these foundations will be acquired naturally.
Ing. Tomáš Kováčik, PhD., a co-founder, IT and marketing consultant
Tomáš Kováčik realized how precious and uncommon the goodness was, that his children received in the Catholic kindergarten, specifically in the Church Maternal School of St. Mary Mazzarello in Petržalka. Thanks to this experience, his family had the opportunity to connect with other families and develop beautiful friendships that endure to this day. For years, he had longed for other children and families to have the same opportunities his family had, for more Catholic kindergartens to be established where children naturally receive faith and where wonderful friendships are formed. He perceives Catholic kindergartens as spaces for evangelization, places where not only children but entire families can naturally experience the beauty of values and faith being passed on...
Mgr. Adriana Šišková, the author of the educational program